PILAT 2016
List of publications in French
Le chamane et la pensée de de la forêt. ____ Under the direction of Boris Wastiau. Co-published by Musée d’ethnographie de Genève and Somogy éditions d’art.
Portraits d'une collection. ____ By Patrick Caput and Valentine Plisnier (eds.). Published by 5 Continents Editions.
___ By Alain Lecomte, Raoul Lehuard, Kovo N’Sondé et Jean N’Sondé. Published by Galerie Alain Lecomte.
de l'Équateur précolombien ___ Collective. Co-publishedby musée du quai Branly and Actes Sud.
___ By Hélène Joubert. Published by Somogy Editions d’Art.
ou Le dialogue des cultures ___ Under the direction of Jean-Jacques Aillagon. Co-published by musée du quai Branly and Flammarion.
un art sacré, bungeelë yi bayisi. ___ By Charlotte Grand-Dufay. Published by Editions Gourcuff-Gradenigo.
___ By Karl von der Steinen. Published by Au Vent des Îles.
Art et société aux îles Marquises. ___ Collective. Co-published by musée du quai Branly and Actes Sud.
Afrique, Asie, Océanie. ___ By Anne Vanderstraete. Co-published by Musée Barbier-Mueller and Somogy Editions d’Arts.
Histoire d’un musée laboratoire. ___ Under the direction of Claude Blanckaert. Co-published by Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle and Artlys.
___ Under the direction of Cécile Aufaure. Co-published by Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle and Artlys.
Statuettes et culte du Sud-Ouest de la République Démocratique du Congo. ___ By Julien Volper. Co-published by Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale and Philippe de Moerloose.
___ By Thierry Dufrêne, Emmanuel Grimaud, Anne-Christine Taylor and Denis Vidal (eds.). Coedited by musée du quai Branly and Actes Sud.
Arts de Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée. ___ Under the direction of Philippe Peltier. Co-published by musée du quai Branly and Skira.
___ By Bertrand Goy. Co-published by Galerie Bernard Dulon and Editions Gourcuff-Gradenigo.
La grande statuaire Lobi de la collection François et Marie Christiaens. ___ By Serge Schoffel (ed.). Published Serge Schoffel Art Premier.